πŸ“• Node [[is there an overlap between municipal socialism and libertarian municipalism]] ⟢ subnode @neil/is there an overlap between municipal socialism and libertarian municipalism
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πŸ“„ is-there-an-overlap-between-municipal-socialism-and-libertarian-municipalism.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Is there an overlap between municipal socialism and libertarian municipalism?

They are both based on a focus on the municipal level.

What’s the difference? Where are the overlaps?

[[Municipal socialism]] [[Libertarian municipalism]]

I don’t know much about either at present.

LM feels more like it is focused on the civic engagement of citizens of a municipality.

MS feels more focused on traditional councils, but these councils having more power, with the state having less power.

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